What is ClubFEM NYC?
ClubFEM is a social organization composed of individuals who want to develop sincere Female Dominant/male submissive relationships. The Dommes are in charge of the activities at all times. ClubFEM Dommes are considerate and caring Women who want the D/s experience to be enjoyable for all participants.
What sets ClubFEM NYC apart from other fetish groups?
ClubFEM NYC is exclusively a Female Dominant/male submissive group. We do not accept dominant men or submissive women as members. Although some members are switches, we do not allow switching roles at parties and events. Women must be in a Dominant role and men must be in the submissive role.
Who can attend ClubFEM NYC?
All participants in ClubFEM must be at least 21 years of age and must identify and present as Female Dominant or male submissive.¹
How do I become a member of ClubFEM NYC?
All participants in ClubFEM must be at least 21 years of age and must identify and present as Female Dominant or male submissive.¹
What is a ClubFEM NYC Munch?
A munch is a friendly, non-party setting in a non-threatening location, in a restaurant, where you can meet established members in order to learn more about ClubFEM NYC. Do not expect any BDSM play. Please go to our website and review the rules and requirements for munches and other events.
Our munch is held in a moderately priced midtown restaurant near Penn Station. Entrees range in price of $25-$36. You cannot take up a seat and sip water all night. You are expected to order dinner. You must pay for what you eat or drink, plus a generous tip. Munches are ss held every second Friday of the odd month (every other month).
Because munches are held in public places, please do not dress in fetish wear or expect any BDSM play. ClubFEM NYC expects a classy dress. Please do not wear t-shirts, ripped jeans, or sneakers. Business casual is acceptable.
What is the age range of members?
Ages range between 21-99. We have a varied range at any given time.
Is ClubFEM NYC for couples only?
No. Although there are many couples who are members of ClubFEM NYC, there are equal numbers of single women and men.
What can I expect at a ClubFEM NYC Party?
Possible activities that occur at ClubFEM parties will be discussed with you prior to your attendance if you are accepted as a potential member. ClubFEM parties are by invitation only and what happens at ClubFEM, stays at ClubFEM. The privacy of our members is of the utmost importance.
What ClubFEM NYC is NOT.
a. A Female Supremacy club.
b. A swingers group.
c. A sex club.
d. A hook-up service
e. A professional dominance establishment
¹ All references to Female Dominants include trans women and male submissives including trans men, cross-dressers, and sissies as long as dommes are female-identifying and subs are male-identifying.